Manual Desludging Hand Pump (MDHP) Resources


The following documents were developed during piloting of the MDHP in Nias, Indonesia during 2007 and 2008. All of the documents can be adapted for use. If materials are used, please acknowledge that they are based on materials originally developed by Oxfam GB. However, all documents with photos of people are for internal use only and not for distribution to communities.


  1. MDHP Manual – This is a comprehensive guide to introducing the MDHP at the government or I/NGO level. It contains information on the 4 key aspects to consider prior to implementation and information on assembling and using the pump.
  2. Poster and Leaflet – The poster was used to raise awareness at the community level and encourage people to borrow the pump where available in their community. The leaflet is a simplified version of the MDHP Manual and is intended for use at the community level. It contains key information and photos to guide the community in assembling the pump and the steps of pumping.
  3. Presentation – Copy of the power point presentation from the MDHP Workshop.
  4. Handout – This is a 2 hour module for use when training stakeholders (government, I/NGOs, and other community institutions). Practicing desludging using water is one of the main activities during the training. This module can be adapted for use in community trainings.
  5. Miscellaneous
    1. Design and material list.
    2. List of sanitation related diseases.
    3. Activity and implementation plan that was used during the 3 month piloting in Nias. It also includes a simple flow-chart for determining if the MDHP is suitable for implementation in the community.


If there are any questions or difficulties in accessing documents, please contact Angelica Fleischer HSP-PHP,




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